Great Tips That Are All About Sleep Apnea

If you are dealing with sleep apnea, you are fully aware of how it can ruin your chances of getting a good night’s sleep while also making your health suffer. In order to be healthy you have to get enough sleep every night. Luckily you can learn about some ways to help you get through sleep apnea. Continue reading to get more information on sleep apnea and how it can be treated.

Do you occasionally drink or smoke? Drop these unhealthy habits. Alcohol and tobacco both cause airway problems. Smoking will cause your throat to swell, and alcohol will relax it too much. If you find that you just can’t give these bad habits up, do what you can to not do either of them within four hours of your bedtime.

If you’re a smoker or a drinker (or both) who’s also dealing with sleep apnea, you may find that giving up your vices will solve your sleep disorder. Both of these bad habits can cause the airway muscles to relax, which makes you snore and adds to the symptoms of sleep apnea. Unlike costly surgeries or other medical interventions, dropping these habits will actually save you money.

It’s necessary to use a CPAP machine for four hours each night if your doctor has prescribed one for your sleep apnea. Sometimes it is hard for people to get used to the CPAP. Nonetheless, it will not be effective unless you wear it for a minimum of 4 hours nightly. Using it for the minimum of four hours a day will allow yourself to slowly transition to full time use.

Do you regularly smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol? Quit these vices. Smoking irritates your air passages, making them narrow. Alcohol relaxes your airways, making them more prone to collapse, and smoking can cause them to swell, restricting airflow. If you can’t quit, at least don’t drink or smoke right before going to bed.

Having the right information can give you power. Knowing what your options are can help you make the right choices for your condition. These ideas will help you make the best choices for you.

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